Black book of communism debunked planned parenthood

Totalitarianisms central feature is a state that desires total control and assumes the right to impose that control at any cost. But even that number pales in comparison to the number of babies killed by abortion since 1920 more than 1 billion. Crimes, terror, repression jeanlouis panne, andrzej paczkowski, karel bartosek, jeanlouis margolin, nicolas werth, stephane courtois, mark kramer, jonathan murphy, mark kramer on. Abortion providers now become the new enemy, the new communists. Maos great leap forward needed only two years to destroy tens of millions of peasants. Mary calderone, clarified her remarks by saying these illegal abortions were. Much of this vitriol stems from hatred and misunderstanding of planned parenthoods abortion services. The wicked insinuation that planned parenthood is not useful to women is debunked with the following wiki data. From woodrow wilsons living document distortion of the. Sanger popularized the term birth control, opened the first birth. But the authors of the black book of communism do what none of the other authors had done before. And while there were no indications of criminal activity found on the part of planned parenthood, thats more than can be said for people behind the videos produced by the deceptively named center for medical progress. Was planned parenthood created simply to reduce the black.

Full text of the black book of communism internet archive. Overall, somehow or another, the black book of communism has managed to raise the debate one notch. From margaret sangers planned parenthood and saul alinskys rules for radicals, the rebellious desire to be free from morality drives the atanycost campaigns such as abortion on demand, nofault divorce, samesex marriage, and overreaching government provisions. It includes two of some of the most populated nations on earth china and the soviet union.

The first printing sold out in a matter of weeks, and the book became the center of political and academic debates in france and across europe. Did court testimony prove a biotech company harvests. How false narratives of margaret sanger are being used to. The black race produces calcified adrenochrome which is. James okeefe accidentally stings himself the new yorker. Planned parenthoods annual report disproves its own lies. Planned parenthood on closer inspection, chinas draconian population policy is surprisingly familiar. The black book of communism, one of the largest most blatant distortions of history. Crimes, terror, repression by stephane courtois and five other writers, translated from the french 1999, 850 pages.

As i report in my book, the founder of planned parenthood, margaret sanger, was a communist party member whose objective was a massive eugenics program of infanticide. Sharing that same block, abutting the sheen center, is the original planned parenthood center founded by margaret sanger. The black book of communism, which is finally appearing in english, is an extraordinary and almost unspeakably chilling book. Margaret sangers planned parenthood is the major force behind the abortion and prochoiceabortion movement in america.

Planned parenthood responds to abby johnson rewire. That means we need to have a monument to the victims of slavery, the victims of feudalism, and especially the victims of capitalism. Peasants often resisted communism more fervently than any group. We are the only minority in america that is on the decline in population. Before founding what would eventually become the planned parenthood federation of america, margaret sanger was such an evangelist for birth control that she shared that gospel with just about any group that would have her, including a womens chapter of the ku klux klan in new jersey in 1926. They said the changes would be made in the next edition. A recent article in the tribune, the official newspaper of the communist party of australia, expounded upon the marxist view of abortion, adding new understanding to the international debate over the rights of the unborn.

There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for planned parenthood. Here are the top myths planned parenthood peddles that are debunked by information from its own annual report. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in america. Mckenna concurred, citing a debunked rightwing myth that planned parenthood has had as its goal the elimination of black children because black people, according to its founder, were unfit, unfit, we need to reduce the number of black people having children because black people are lesser humans. Connecticut us law lii legal information institute. But theyll feign outrage at the ones who are exposing the inhumanity of it all. Court testimony proved that a biotech company harvests organs from live fetuses. Thats what planned parenthood still is today, although the organizations name is highly misleading, just like the name george soros.

And since antichoice fanatics seem utterly incapable of making an honest argument in support of their position that black women should be forced into childbirth rather than. The book not only bashes socialism and makes it out to be worse than fascism, it outright tries to portray fascism as a good thing. Some of the atrocities of the reds are documented, although there is undue emphasis on communist victims of the relentless communist purges. Aug 24, 2017 the black book of communism alleges that communism killed 94 million people during the 20th century. The fraudulent death tolls contained in the book are the single most quoted anticommunist source in the world. Opposition claims about margaret sanger margaret sanger gained worldwide renown, respect, and admiration for founding the american birth control movement and, later, the planned parenthood federation of america, as well as for developing and encouraging family planning efforts throughout the international community. The black book of communism crimes, terror, repression stephane courtois nicolas werth jeanlouis panne andrzej paczkowski karel bartosek jeanlouis margolin harvard university press cambridge, massachusetts london, england 1999 translated by jonathan murphy and mark kramer.

Planned parenthood has been a target on the campaign trail after a series of sting videos was released alleging the organization illegally profits from selling aborted fetal tissue. The architect of the greatest genocide in history ask dr. A veteran supreme court justice cited a debunked planned parenthood smear in an opinion. Sorting fact from fiction in the story of abby johnson, the prolife. Apr 16, 2017 in april 2008, a group of black pastors held a very vocal protest outside of a washington d. The new world order is impossible without the breakdown of american society. Crimes, terror, repression is a 1997 book by stephane courtois, nicolas werth, andrzej paczkowski and several other european academics documenting a history of political repressions by communist states, including genocides, extrajudicial executions, deportations, killing populations in labor camps and artificially created famines. Former planned parenthood director abby johnson destroys proabortion arguments at a kentucky state hearing on sb 9, also known as the heartbeat bill, a. Planned parenthood also provides abortion services. The black book of communism begins to show us that totalitarianism is totalitarianism, whether we call it fascist, communist or some other name. Opposition claims about margaret sanger planned parenthood. My favourite book abaut jews, communism and freemasons.

Planned parenthood is largely the reason why black babies are aborted in america three times more often than white babies, and hispanic preborns are killed 112 times more often than whites. Coretta scott king praised racist and elitist planned. In fact, planned parenthood federation of americas own medical director, dr. I know who margaret sanger is, and i know that she believed in eugenics, and that she was not particularly enamored with black people. The philosophy was used to justify the forced sterilizations of tens of thousands of people in california alone, a majority of whom were latinos and other.

For example, claims that planned parenthood counts a 12month supply of birth control pills as 12 visits are simply untrue. It is a measure of the success of the class struggle that the reactionary intelligentsia felt compelled to write an 854 page book touching on the death toll of communism. When harvard university press published the black book of communism in 1999, many readers were astonished to learn that communism had resulted in the deaths of at least 100 million people, an absolutely staggering number. The planned parenthood founder lobbied adamantly against allowing the legal immigration of those who didnt fit into her eugenicist mission. Some opponents of legal abortion make unfounded statistical claims about planned parenthood, erroneously asserting that planned parenthood exaggerates its estimates of the preventive care it delivers. An internet joke led some curious conspiracy theorists.

See more ideas about communism, this or that questions and we the people. It is a major study that deepens our understanding of communism and poses a philosophical and political challenge that cannot be ignored. In just over a century, this new system would, according to the black book of communism, be responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people. As the founder of planned parenthood, sanger is an easy target for these partisans because she is no longer able to speak for herself. This is an assembly of extensive articles published in france two years ago and now. Planned parenthood is targeting black women with this dangerous drug when i worked for planned parenthood, i found out. I was awarded the employee of the year prize in 2008 and was. The black book of communism is part of wikiproject cambodia, a project to improve all cambodiarelated articles. The biggest lies ever concerning communism are debunked. Jan 01, 2001 black book puts to rest the odious fiction that has softened communisms image for so long. Live action president lila rose told the daily caller that one of the videos features a planned parenthood. No, the planned parenthood videos have not been deceptively. This number is accumulated from more than 10 different nations and various movements around the.

Government is a living thing that obeys darwin and evolution. A quote falsely attributed to birth control advocate margaret sanger likens slavs and jews to human weeds in need of eradication. Crimes, terror, repression, would have you believe. They keep the abortion services separate from the federal funding, but thats why the organization is controversial. Keep the doors of immigration closed to the entrance of certain aliens whose condition is known to be detrimental to the stamina of the race, such as feebleminded, idiots, morons, insane, syphilitic. Planned propaganda and the big hoax black community news. The black book of communism was originally published in france on november 8, 1997, the eightieth anniversary of the russian revolution.

A new film celebrating her conversion from planned parenthood administrator to antiabortion crusader puts johnson back in the spotlight. Undercover videos taken by the prolife live action organization have revealed planned parenthood counselors encouraging an abortion to be performed once it becomes clear that the babys gender is female, as seen here, here and here. The deliberate killing of black babies by abortion is genocide perhaps the most overt form of all. Oct 06, 2017 the 2000 harvard university press work, the black book of communism, estimates that 65 million people died under chinese communism mainly between 1957 and 1969 the period covered in the new york times piece.

Planned propaganda and the big hoax the radiance foundation. Abortion is just 3 percent of planned parenthood s business. Planned parenthood can continue on aborting and selling those unwanted babies in their uncrushed wanted parts. Spend an afternoon leafing through the black book of communism, the most exhaustive accounting of deathbymarxism to date, and youll encounter nearly every communist crime known to historynot only the main events, the gulags and famines.

The authors are prisoners of history in the sense that a residue of their gullibility remains and distorts the book. The authors did such a bad job they were forced to admit it and print a retraction. Cecile richards, in a feeble attempt to discredit the center for medical progress shocking videos, apologized for the tone of her top doctor, dr. Unplanned, a new movie in limited release, charts the unusual conversion story of abby johnson, a reallife planned parenthood clinic director in bryan, texas, who became an antiabortion advocate after a crisis of conscience. A weak point of the book is that a leftist bias remains. Herman cain has offered an alternate version of history in claiming that planned parenthood s founder wanted to prevent black babies from. Was planned parenthood started to control the black. Men who had money would pay a sex worker instead dover. Aug 10, 2011 the biggest lies ever concerning communism are debunked.

Meanwhile, harvard professor mary ann glendon, writing in the new york times after the murders, criticized an antihaterhetoric planned parenthood ad that proclaimed words kill. Planned parenthood was created to control the black population. That is why we call for, and fight for, a broad definition of reproductive rights, including. In fact, the estimated death toll due to capitalism is around 200 million according to the black book of capitalism, which is double what the most liberal estimates of the victims of communism. Planned parenthood and black neighborhoods ad while the two previous issues relate to interpretation of historyabout which people can disagreeat least here we can deal with hard facts. Justice douglas delivered the opinion of the court. The fraudulent death tolls contained in the book are the single most quoted anti communist source in the world. Among other concerns, the unfpa and planned parenthood were accused by multiple experts of participating in the enforcement of the communist chinese regimes brutal onechild policy. The film is based on a memoir by abby johnson, an antiabortion activist who worked for eight years in a planned parenthood clinic in bryan. Ben carson on black lives matter, planned parenthood. For those of you blissfully unaware, unplanned is based on the book by antichoice activist abby johnson, who made a dramatic conversion from being a top planned parenthood employee to working for the christian protest group that picketed her clinic everyday. Every day, over 1,500 black babies are murdered inside the black womans womb.

Why doesnt the black book of communism include the almost 6. After learning about canadas ridiculous monument to the victims of communism and finding out that theres a similar monument in my own city, i looked at the claims made by the reactionaries funding the projects. Why doesnt the black book of communism include the almost. Margaret sanger founded planned parenthood on racism. Buy the black book of communism crimes, terror, repression. Prochoice activists united in anger at the stings perpetrators, and a texas grand jury cleared planned parenthood of wrongdoing and indicted the c. Black book puts to rest the odious fiction that has softened communism s image for so long. The wikiproject is also a part of the counteracting systematic bias group on wikipedia, aiming to provide a wider and more detailed coverage on countries and areas of the encyclopedia which are notably less developed than the rest. Why doesnt the black book of communism include the almost 6 million nazis killed by communism. No, the planned parenthood videos have not been deceptively edited yes, they most definitely were deceptively edited. Crimes, terror, repression is a book written by several european academics and edited by stephane courtois, and documents a history of repressions, both political and civilian, by communist states, including genocides, extrajudicial executions, deportations, and artificial famines. Yet planned parenthood did not offer abortions until roe v. This number is accumulated from more than 10 different nations and various movements around the world.

The book s title was chosen to echo the jewish antifascist committee s black book, a documentary record of nazi atrocities written by ilya ehrenburg and vasily grossmanxiii. A few centuries later, roman boys were expected to channel their sexual energies. Full text of the black book of communism see other formats. It is true that these particular cases arose after several. An associated press article from 1989 is popular among climatechange deniers. But wait, planned parenthood declared back in 1959 that gasp. Abortion is no longer a dangerous procedure90% of all illegal abortions are presently being done by physicians. The fifth part of the book, le tiersmonde the third world, deals with communist regimes in other parts of the third world. I worked at planned parenthood for eight years, rising through the ranks from volunteer escort, to clinic counselor to clinic director. Planned parenthood clinic, and they did so to protest what they characterize as a genocide carried out against black babies. It certainly contains much truth and many facts that are often not in the college or high school textbooks. Enslaving america and the world with central planning murray, william j.

Margaret sanger on human weeds real facts about birth control the minimum wage as a way to make defectives stand out for possible eugenic selection, 19. Planned parenthood is the largest abortion provider in america. The humanitarian hoax of planned parenthood is a sinister attack designed to destroy america from within that has gone global with the help of the united nations and their agenda 2030. In the wake of the attacks by the center for medical progress, planned parenthood s origins and its founder, margaret sanger, have once again become the center of conversations regarding black women and abortion.

Margaret higgins sanger was an american birth control activist, sex educator, writer, and nurse. If you are proud of being prochoice, you should know more about the most responsible person for the proabortionrights movement and abortion industry in the 20th century. Planned parenthood and child protective service cps, people will know two nationalgovernmental criminal enterprises are the biggest child providers for the criminal elites. Aug 12, 2015 republican presidential candidate on your world watch neil cavuto talk about elections, presidential primaries, and republicans on your world. Planned parenthood and siecus are soldiers in the leftist culture war against america. Planned parenthood denied they made any money off the sale of aborted baby parts. The first printing sold out in a matter of weeks, and the. The latest research pegs the number nearer 7080 million. Shocking undercover videos are released revealing the true essence of planned parenthood a cold, callous, commercial abortion and humanparts trafficking chainand americas news media cant move quickly enough to spar with the messengers. Bias, lies, and misinformation in the 20th century, upwards of 100 million people have died as a result of communism. Margaret sangers founder of planned parenthood obsession with eugenics can be traced back to her own family. Debunking the hanger abortion myth black community news. Komen for the cure is a breast cancer funding organization they are not controversial they invented the ubiquitous pink ribbons shown on the book s cover. A veteran supreme court justice cited a debunked planned.

Oct 05, 20 what the book does is use the best available evidence to give a sense of the scale of what we are dealing with. Margaret sanger, planned parenthood and black abortions. Crimes, terror, repression harvard university press, cambridge 1999, pp. The black book of communism alleges that communism killed 94 million people during the 20th century. The first section, by pascal fontaine, is a 35page overview of cuba, nicaragua under sandinista rule, and the sendero luminoso in peru. The address is 26 bleecker, where the clinic sits on the corner of.

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